Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dear Edwina

Is it worth the daily drive, money spent, and time away from home? Erica spent one month practicing for the musical Dear Edwina. Many times I asked myself if it was worth it.............Well, after watching the show and being able to hear this angelical voice the answer is.........Most definitely YES!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Frizzi Boat

Change in Sails

This is the motor boat we have used for 10 years. I have enjoyed every inch of this fine boat...........BUT...........Today we came home with this boat.........

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Memory of a Lifetime!

These pictures brought tears to my eyes. Erica's friend, Allison, invited Erica to go to Miami SeaAquarium. Erica, Allison, and their two Dads drove them over, went snorkeling in the Keys, and then experienced the memory of a lifetime. Thank you Allison for this great opportunity.

Friday, June 20, 2008

To My Mom: Bike $10 Memories Priceless

Getting into the Groove

After 2 weeks of summer break I feel like I am getting into my groove.....Walking the beach, reading a book, thrift shop trips, and napping are only some of my favorite things to do......As a child I could never nap. I only discovered what napping was about a couple years ago during the summer. Maybe it is age. But there is nothing like it...Going into my bedroom, reading my steamy book, and slowing drifty away!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Eric's Sister----Any resemblance?

Now you know that I am not very vain to post this picture of myself in college. My Grandma always made me get PERMS! Look at the Hair!!! All you can see is my forhead!!! Look at that dress. I rememember thinking I was so hot in that. What was I thinking? Those eyebrows are plucked just perfect!! Many ask how I met Eric.................Well here it is..............Debbie...................She was my college roomate at BSU.......This is Eric's younger sister. When Debbie married I walked down the aisle with Eric.......If you want to hear more of this story I will tell you.........It has to do with sailing trips, staying on his sailboat, driving hours to Ohio to see him (and, oh yeah, my college room mate, Debbie).............XOXOXOX

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My sisters

I am cracking up!!! I just found this picture today that my sisters had taken 15 years ago!! Look at the hair. It is bigger than their heads....Sorry Jeni and Jodi, I just couldn't resist. Actually, they look pretty cute, uh?

Nathan's Summer Job

I must make sure there is turkey, tomatoes, lettuce, french bread, strawberries, pretzils, and popcorn. He could live on these ingredients every day. Throw in Target breakfast sandwich, Subway, and an occasional Pizza. BUT ONE THING IS FOR SURE...... THERE IS ALWAYS COUNTRY TIME LEMONAIDE MADE FRESH BY MY FAVORITE TEN YEAR OLD.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Eric is a man who likes to go to the same restaurants, order the same food, wear the same type of clothing (t-shirt & kakhi shorts), and drive the same car for years and years. For Father's Day we gave him the choice of going ANY where he chooses. I knew it either had to be Pinchers, Fish House, or Daruma. After long discussion he decided The Fish House! The beer is cheep on Sundays ($6 pitchers) and the walk is short! You gotta love this man!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Cheryl and Ann

Fun begins at 45! An entire day spent at Ft. Myers Beach celebrating birthdays! Many fond memories: Enjoying the backseat of a convertible, playing volleyball, laughing with friends, sitting at the Cottage while it rains, looking out at the blue Gulf of Mexico, dancing on the beach, celebrating flag day....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Watching New Mommy Kelly and Kelle

Today Erica and I had lunch with Kelly, Kelle, Lily, and Lainey. I watched in amazement as these two new mommies took care of their miracle babies. Nothing frazzled either mom as they enjoyed their little girls. Life continues to change, move on, and add new wonderful human beings. I left my lunch feeling so happy knowing that these two special mommies are so happy and content with life. I am so fortunate to know them.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Downtown Naples in June. I get the pleasure of picking Erica up daily from Sugden Theatre. I love driving down this road.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank you Scott for sending me the Rhubarb for this most delicious pie. I am not kidding you. This is the best pie I have ever eaten.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


This is the present I got in the mail today from my brother who lives in Wisconsin. It cost him $32.00 to send in the mail. He has loads of this in his back yard. It is called Rhubarb. If you go to Publix you can purchase this for $4.50 a pound. When I was a child I grew up eating Rhubarb. My mom used to make pie and we would all fight over the last piece. Usually it was gone before the pie cooled. Now that I live in Florida I enjoy eating key lime pie and lemon pie. I am anticipating the taste of this glorious fruit (stem).

Stress tips for the summer

Get Up 15 minutes earlier
· Write down appointments
· Do it Now- procrastination is stressful
· Plan ahead. Buy stamps, full tank of gas, groceries….
· Get rid of things that are broken
· Carry a book in case you have to wait
· For every one thing that goes wrong, there are 50 blessings. Count them.
· Turn needs into preferences. Our basic needs are food, water and shelter. All else is a preference.
· Simplify, simplify, simplify
· Make friends with nonworriers.
· Create order out of chaos. “EVERYTHING HAS A HOME!” Make sure a and put it there.
· Add an ounce of love to everything you do.
· Eliminate destructive self-talk: “I’m too old to….I’m too fat….”
· Take care of the todays as best as you can and the yesterdays and the tomorrows will take care of themselves.
· Do one thing at a time. When you are with someone, be with that person and with no one or nothing else.
· Do “unpleasant” tasks early in the day and get it over so you can be free of anxiety.
· Delegate responsibility to capable others
· Forget about counting to 10. Count to 1,000 before doing something that could make matters worse.
· Have a forgiving view of events and people.

Football Camp

You can barely tell which camper is Nate. He is in the front center. He is soaking in every moment of this camp. Watching the big boys exercise. I found him last night doing push ups in his room........He now wants to make smoothies every morning because they are HEALTHY.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Philharmonic

Thanks, Jennifer, for taking a picture of Erica during the Golden Apple. I couldn't see her face from my seat.

Taking Risks

Taking a Risk: We always preach to take risks in life. This makes our life more rich and meaningful and allows us to discover new passions. This week Erica and Nate signed up to do camps in Naples. Nate chose (with the help of mom) to do a Barron Collier football camp. Erica chose a theatre camp in Naples.

Nates first comments when he got in the car were "I am not going back to that camp. The coaches are mean, the kids swear, and I have to eat lunch by myself."

Erica's first comments were teers. She noted that she doesn't have a speaking part, the kids were not friendly and she felt akward all day.

My reaction was not good. I thought to myself that I spent hundreds of dollars while driving everywhere. Of course as a mother you feel every emotion. So I did not sleep that night and felt every anxiety they were feeling.

The next day as I dropped the kids off I told them to stand tall and believe in themselves. They both looked miserable. I prayed continuously for God to help them. When I picked them both up they were smiling and said "Ok, I like my camp."